Plantation with Purpose

Plantation with Purpose

Plantation with Purpose

Plantation with Purpose: A Vision for 10 Million Trees in Maharashtra

Plantation with Purpose is a joint initiative by Environment and Biotechnology Foundation (ENBITECH), a Mumbai-based NGO and Terracon Ecotech Pvt Ltd (TEPL). It is an integrated approach wherein the ecosystem and community-based management are combined using Nature-based Solutions (NbS). This plantation program at Rs. 100/sapling is an out-of-the-box initiative that will encourage the establishment of an overall healthy ecosystem while supporting local livelihoods.

Planting 10 million trees (1 crore) trees for the ecological restoration and economic revival of vulnerable communities in Shahapur and Murbad


Like many developing regions in India, the talukas of Shahapur and Murbad (Thane district, Maharashtra) are under heavy anthropogenic pressure. The region, home to ~1 lakh families1, has seen several changes throughout the years. These two talukas fall in a rural belt where 30% of the population are Scheduled Tribes, and ~6% are Scheduled Castes.1

Plantation with Purpose Project

Unsustainable practices resulting in the loss of forest and tree cover in the regionImage: Terracon Ecotech Pvt. Ltd.

65-70% of the local population relies on agrarian incomes, and as a result, youth migrate during non-farming seasons. More than 10% of the forest is degraded and requires immediate conservation. Conventional agricultural practices, and heavy dependence on the fuelwood for cooking, amidst other reasons for encroachments etc., have rendered a negative forest growth stock from 219 tree/ha in 1993 to 142 trees/ha in 2012. Regional emissions for carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) have also increased by 8% and 6.4% respectively between 2002 and 2019.2 The resulting deforestation exacerbates greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and ecological degradation threatening communities with uncertain climatic patterns, poverty, food & water insecurity, and loss of species & natural resources.

The region needs urgent attention which can be addressed by restoring green cover using Nature-based Solutions (NbS)


The total plantation area will be divided into sections wherein goal-specific plantations shall be done. Under this project sapling plantations will be done under 11 different purposes:

  1. Livelihood Generation
  2. Medicinal and Religiously Significant Plantation
  3. Household Plantation for Food Security
  4. Employment Generation
  5. Biodiversity Awareness
  1. Revival of Floral and Faunal Species
  2. Forest Restoration
  3. Soil Health Improvement
  4. Lakes and Rivers Revival
  5. Carbon Sequestration
  6. Micro-climate Regulation


The purpose of plantation in an area will be determined by the immediate local ecology and natural diversity. For example, certain patches of land might have local plants best suited for NTFP growth and harvesting. In regions where the dependency on the harvest of natural resources is high, we shall guide and develop plantations with the purpose of sustainable harvesting. It will ensure that local livelihoods, traditional ecological knowledge and native plants are utilised efficiently with utmost care. Similarly, local spots with higher wildlife diversity can have plantations done with tree species selected to specifically support the local fauna.

Plantation with Purpose to transform the region from this……………………….….to this!

Plantation with Purpose Project
Plantation with Purpose Project


Planting a tree isn’t the end of the line, at least not for us. After all, one needs to observe sapling survival and post-project monitoring to ensure long-term sustainability. In addition to hiring locals for tree planting, they will also be trained to carry out sapling monitoring using VrukshSharad+, a proprietary geotagging GPS monitoring tool developed in 2009. This way, we will track sapling growth (sapling height, girth, survival status, etc.). If needed, modifications to the plantation techniques will be done (as advised by the ecology and biodiversity experts at TEPL). Landholders will also be trained in sustainable plantation and harvesting techniques (for food, fruits and NTFP species) to ensure sustainability at all stages. Monetary compensation for 2 years of post-plantation care will also be provided.

Our geo-tagging system will allow planters to track their planted tree to its location including certain growth statistics (Note: QR Code will be generated only after planting of the donated sapling is done and initial sapling data is input). The data collected above will thus be used to monitor and evaluate project developed Impact Indicators in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This will be a crucial way to track the progress and success of the plantation and alternative livelihood program implemented through the project




  • Number of people deployed (direct), in the project, creating green job / Indirect employment through intercropping and NTFPs*
    (*UN SDG Indicator)
  • Quantum of available sustainably harvested (local) plants produce/NTFPs
Plantation with Purpose Project - Social Impact Indicator
Plantation with Purpose Project- Social Impact Indicator
Plantation with Purpose Project - Social Impact Indicator
Plantation with Purpose Project- Social Impact Indicator


  • Percentage increase in the green cover of the region
  • Number of native species planted
Plantation with Purpose Project - Social Impact Indicator
Plantation with Purpose Project- Social Impact Indicator


  • Number of people targeted under capacity building programme on climate change mitigation
  • Additional carbon sequestered through the plantation
Plantation with Purpose Project- Climate Impact Indicator
Plantation with Purpose Project- Climate Impact Indicator


0LAKH TREES 2020-21
0 LAKH TREES 2021-22
0 LAKH TREES 2022-23

This 10 million tree plantation will be carried out over a period of three years. We hope to have our donation system up on the website soon so that you too can be a part of #PlantationWithPurpose. Come, join us to learn about how tree plantations offer so much more than just greening the planet.

Learn more about the benefits for corporate companies looking for unique CSR opportunities and for individual donors here.

About Terracon Ecotech Pvt. Ltd. (‘Plantation with Purpose’ Implementation Partner) Terracon Ecotech Pvt. Ltd. (TEPL) is the official implementation partner for ‘Plantation with Purpose’, and will coordinate and manage the on-site tree planting. TEPL was incorporated as India’s first ecology-based environmental services company. They are a NABET accredited category-A and ISO 9001:2015 certified Nature-based Solutions (NbS) company, and have been one of India’s leading environmental consultancy firms for over 11 years now. They also have a track record of 150+ projects in the areas of Biodiversity Conservation, Ecological Restoration, Inventorisation and plantation/transplantation of trees and mangroves, Environmental and Ecological Impact Assessment, and Climate Change Advisory services.

Learn more about our Implementation Partner, Terracon Ecotech Pvt. Ltd. here.

  • 2011 Government Census data
  • Data taken from Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) NASA Giovanni; NASA Microwave Limb Sound (MLS-Aura); European Space Agency’s Sentinel5P; NASA Earth Observatory
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